Tuesday, June 26, 2007


The best team in the AFL is........The Sydney Swans!


Tomo said...

When I was young I barracked for South Melbourne. It saved me many a time. Late night on the train home from the city drunken strangers in Black and White tops asked me what team I went for , their fists ready to punch if i said Richmond Melbourne or the hated Carlton.

When I squeeked South , they were my bosum buddy commiserating me , and saying how brave I was to stay with the Swans

Marg said...

No - wrong colours! Go Cats!

Veronica said...

Go Swans!

Shazza said...

Well done Julie. Shame about the footy team!

Sean said...

Sory, they lost today! Not much chop.

Sean said...

Sory, they lost today! Not much chop.